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"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page"

Nowadays it’s really difficult to organize good quality international event, this is exactly what University of Economics in Katowice did!
4th New Media Day was an international conference, which took place during International New Media & Communication Forum on 7,8 and 10 April, 2014. The purpose of the Forum was to promote the idea of internationalisation. Students could participate in lectures delivered by visiting professors from all over the world.
When I heard about the possibility to participate in courses that the event offered, I was trying to register as quickly as I could, because there were very limited places. I was really surprised when I heard of free spaces left and I failed to think of rational motives of students’ non-participation (this is a different topic, which I will cover later)
The following are the list of courses:
1.    Introduction to Knowledge Engineering Application
2.    Diplomacy in the age of Information and Communication Technologies
3.      Online Business Environment
4.    Cross-cultural aspects of Business Communication
5.   Information Communication Technology Supported Learning
6.   Information Technology Management
7.   Social Media Online
8. Social Communication
9. Cooperation Offline & Online
10. Interdisciplinary perspective of information and communication
11. Changing nature of human resources
12. Digital Public Affairs and the Business Environment

It was a really difficult to make a choice among many interesting courses; however since my MA thesis is about marketing strategies in social media, I choose number 7 and it turned out to be a correct decision!
On April 7 I had a first class with Jean Dominique Seroen, a professor from Belgium, Brussels Management School. Among the topics covered in our course were: e-business strategy and e-business models based on the Business Model Canvas, proposed by  Alexander Osterwalder. During these days we obtained very interesting information about the ways of e-business strategies. As for the practical part of the class, we analysed website, using BM Canvas.

The second part of the course was about social media strategies, 4c impact models, 5 key conclusions of our research in internet, WOM communicate etc. The lecturer was Igor ter Halle from the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands. This course was also very interesting for me because it was based on lecturer’s own experience, new researches in the world, invisible part of social media etc.
The lecturers had different style of lecture – the first one was more conservative and traditional, the second was more dynamic and liberal. After these classes i started to look at social media in a different way. I would like to share some of interesting points.

Do you know this? 
-         -  The more someone is reminded of something the more they will talk about it.  For example:

-       in social media most sharable pictures are kitten!
-          Pictures are most engaging:

   look at this video, grate example of social proof 

After these classes we had one day off (9th of April), when, as I already mentioned the University organised so-called New media day. Topics of this conference were:

-        - „Mobile. It’s not enough”, Ireneusz Górniok, Silver Predict
-      - „On start-ups and gaming. How-to create and fund local high tech company ready to go global”, Jakub Duda, Incuvo
-        - „Liquid content and why it matters for brands”, Krzysztof Winnik, OS3
-         - „The future goes mobile”, Paweł Kolenda, IAB
-         - „Digital Marketing Optimization”, Aco Vidovič, IBM 

During the conference, the University organized a competition for on-line comments and questions on Facebook. I was lucky to be in the list of winners!

I really hope, that next year I will participate in this event again. It was a good learning experience for all of us. I would like to have this kind of courses often and of course, will be glad to see professors from Georgia as well.

Don’t miss the chance next year, join in and have the most interesting lectures for one week for free + 3 ETCS! 


  1. I wish I were in your place...)) By the way, was it possible to join these courses for "non University of Economics students"?


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